ART provider
“Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a unique approach to psychotherapy. ART is unique because the ART Therapist guides the client to replace the negative images in the mind that cause the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress with positive images of the client’s choosing. And this is done quickly, most often within one session! Once the negative images have been replaced by positive ones, the triggers will be gone. Nightmares and repeated intrusive thoughts will stop.”
Some of the growing body of research that shows ART can do this may be found by going to
ART is recognized as evidenced-based by the Society of Clinical Psychology, Div. 12 of the American Psychological Association (APA).
Appropriate treatment for the following:
Panic Attacks
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Post Traumatic Stress (PTS)
Addictions/ Substance Abuse
Performance Anxiety
Family Issues
Victimization/Poor Self Image
Victimization/Sexual Abuse
Relationship Issues/Infidelity
Job-Related Stress
Pain Management
Memory Enhancement
Dyslexia Anxiety